Posts Tagged ‘rain


A Cold Rainy Day…

Welp, it’s a little cool today; 75 Degrees.  That’s a  HUGE difference from yesterdays 97.  And to top it all off, it’s raining.  You guys know I have a dog, Prince, that’s deathly afraid of thunderstorms.  Everytime it storms, he jumps the fence and sits on the front porch so we can let him into the garage.  Why he likes the garage more than the shed in the back yard is beyond me.  Anywho, we’re going out of town next month and if it storms, my damn dog is gonna be scared, as usual, and jump the fence.  But who’s going to put him in the garage?  Grrrrr  That poses a problem for me.  I can’t lock him in the garage all weekend, nor can I leave him to roam free in the back yard.  What the hell can I do with him???  Maybe a kennel for the weekend.  I wonder how much those are.  Hmmm.  I need a solution.  HELP!

Oh yeah, here’s a video (well audio, I cut out the video) of the rain.  Enjoy.